Subject Leader : Pauline Thomas

As a Church of England Primary School, we are wholly committed to providing a Christian environment that offers all children the highest quality of teaching and learning opportunities.

In Religious Education, we aim to apply an understanding of Christianity to make reasoned and informed responses to life issues and moral choices.  Our intent is:

  • To develop some knowledge and understanding of other faiths in line with the SDBE Suggested Syllabus.
  • To develop a strong foundation of the Christian faith through knowledge and understanding
  • To apply an understanding of religion to develop sensitivity and respect towards all people.
  • To develop the ability to reflect on and communicate with others issues of truth, belief and faith
  • To develop a knowledge and understanding of the Christian Faith and the Anglican tradition through a study of: Creation, Prayer and Worship, the Life and Teachings of Jesus, Old Testament Characters, Living out our Faith and Christian Festivals

The syllabus comprises units of study, exploring religious concepts, for the teaching of Christianity at Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 and the study of the other principal world religions, specifically beginning from KS1. It clearly identifies opportunities for pupils to both learn about religion and learn from religion. This meets the requirement of a priority study of Christianity whilst integrally exploring the principal other world faiths.

In Reception, the RE units are approached ‘holistically’ – starting with the children’s own experiences, relating ‘religious’ experience to the ‘secular’ especially in the family setting. Christianity is the high focus with other faiths explored as relevant to children in the class and the wider community.

In all Year One and Two units, Christianity is the high focus with a secondary focus on Judaism (both as essential background to Christianity and also as a religion in its own right). Aspects of these faiths and the faiths of other children in the class – will be included in all KS1 topics when relevant

In Key Stage Two, Christianity is the main faith studied alongside work on the other faiths (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism). Christianity is the high focus but other faith perspectives are  included particularly when relevant to the children in the class and/or current affairs.

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